So for the past week i have been just partying and doing little studying “which is bad” so im starting to figure out what i need to get done for next upcoming months and were my assets need to be. I also have been busy sleeping more of the day and active at night with watching will and grace or just spending time with some friends.
Again this is bad news for me because im always busy with activities that has to do with business and active (watching tv is not active) so im going to spend almost all night organizing myself and preparing myself to do what i always have done “BUSINESS” and get it back together.
I for once thought i was wasting my time spending the afternoon with my friends when i could be making money to buy myself a nice camera but realized that “i haven’t gotten a vacation from all this crap I’ve worked for” and so i said to myself yesterday “THIS IS MY VACATION” and so i decided that “THIS VACATIONS” is over and time to get serious.
So im excited , i already planed my whole month and i cleaned the bathroom and raked all the leaves outside and NOW im going to bed and rest for tomorrow voting election, i am going to vote for obama and i hope he changes the way ppl think about having a black president and let just hope he doent get killed by some racist losers.
NO boyfriend yet but im not looking for anybody who just want to play, i take it serious and i don’t bite 😀
COURSE Silvermyst will be also releasing its first NEWSLETTER and we will be e-mailing them all in a PDF format so you can read them when u have time and save trees in the process.