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Mothers Day portrait Special

Alright Everyone, This weekend its mothers Day and we got a discount for you. You can get our Silvermyst CD with all of your portrait inside, The CD includes: All Raw and Enhanced Photos High Quality photos Slideshow 2 coll

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The temple of time [Zelda] Remake

Michael Eurek is now my new favorite artist, he remade the Zelda temple of time using the Unreal Engine and since the Wii U doesn’t get enough of its unreal engine games, he decided to take his art skills into his own h

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A YouTube Phishing Attack You Need to Watch Out For

We love watching cat videos, we love to upload our vidblogs and sometimes we use YouTube for educational purposes.  Well Minute Physics brings us a different kind of video today and warns us of a dangerous phishing scam th

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You’re going to be a grandpa (Reaction)

Jessica was an only child whose father has been a widower for over 20 years. Ever since she got married, he’s been hounding her to start giving him some grandbabies (as parents are wont to do). Well, the time finally came t

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Homeland Security says “Don’t Use Internet Explorer” due to bug flaw

The U.S. Department of Homeland security is advising Americans not to use the Internet Explorer web browser until a fix is found for a serious security flaw that came to light over the weekend. The bug was announced on Saturd

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How to see without Glasses

ell, it’s a good thing that we use corrective lenses instead of glasses with tiny pinholes in them. Can you imagine what that would look like?

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Explorer puts Windows XP at risk

We hope that you heeded our advice to finally ditch Windows XP in favor of a more modern operating system, because there’s a new security exploit that’ll leave stubborn XP users in the cold. In a security alert

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Anarchy on the road

This is what happens when you got a big city with no traffic lights, no lines, no signs and no traffic officer. This CCTV footage was taken at an intersection near Meskal Square in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. I wonder if ever

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Have more than 5 devices to repair?

The more you bring in for us to repair, the more you save with our bulk bundles.