The Printer Prank
Do you ever get tired of your office job? Can’t seem to wake up with that same coffee and creamer? Yeah, I know how you feel. So here’s a little prank to give you a smile. It’s innocent, funny, and your co-w
Read moreGive Us a Review is dedicated to providing good service to all of our clients, and we have recently put our business information on Google locals to prove it. Giving you a chance to take a look at what our clients have to say r
Read moreNintendo DS Owners Contest
Calling all Nintendo DS Owners You wanted a Contest? We got a contest! Silvermyst is giving away 1 of the R4 Game cartridges that are on sale on our store. As we mentioned last week on the release, the R4 gives users the abil
Read moreWelcome to Mother-Hood Song
This is for all mothers or who are about to be first time mothers EVERYWERE. 🙂 Enjoy 🙂
Read moreComing Soon
I’ve decided to make a T-shirt Design so everyone can wear one and look sexy as hell 🙂 The project is still in development due to sketches and designs, but there will be 3 designs: one with a unique taste of cuteness
Read moreR4s and Acekard Now Available
The Game Cartridges for your Nintendo DS,DSi,XDS, & 3-DS have arrived!!! With this cartridge game you can can drag and drop files and play music,videos and yes even the Nintendo DS games, Regular Nintendo,Sega, Super Nint
Read moreNew Look for Our Store
New Store Look We just changed our stores theme, its simple, elegant and much easier for you to navigate to. 🙂You can go to our page Here or you can go on the menu section of our site anytime to access it. PS. I Apologized
Read moreComputers Issues
For Windows Vista Users, you may have encountered bad updates and your computer is acting up. Windows 7 users can have the same problem especially if its shutting down and installing updates all the time even if those updates
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