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Android Operating System Upgrades

Android Tablets/CellPhones are making there way to the top of the list, they are easy/slick and portable and they run on android Operating systems which means Lots and lots of Versions. Some of the old tablets/Cells have old

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Coming Soon…….

A Game Cartridge for your DS,DSi,XDS, & 3-DS that can drag and drop files and play music,videos and yes even the Nintendo DS, Regular Nintendo,Sega, Super Nintendo.The Cartridge Firmware will be updated and installed so y

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Were Do Teddy Bears Come From?

🙂 TUFTY from Jason Butler on Vimeo. You have no shame little boys and girls……no shame at all? lol

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Now Accepting Cards On the Spot

Since we started back a few years ago we accepted cash and a few checks but in 2010 we started accepting credit cards and debit cards for any of our services payment options. But the problem with accepting those cards was tha

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Elegant Windows 8 Start Up Menu

We have announced that windows 8 will no longer have the start menu on its operating system, and with that people are having such a hard time adapting to its new missing core “So do I”. As we find other alternativ

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Facebook Desktop Messenger

If you ever want to just chat with your facebook buddies and not have to click on your web browser over and over to just see (you know cause your work may not like it) you can always download the FB Messenger for your desktop

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Cyber Monday Special

  If  you purchased a new computer as a Christmas gift or for yourself and want us to get it ready for you. Give us a call. We are running a special this whole 2 weeks for only $45.00 🙂 What does it include?- Ant

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Happy Thanksgiving

I know its not Thanksgiving yet, but I will be with my family and friends eating that turkey or making funny noises and talking about turkey and noises, this made me laugh. lol

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Make Your Own Twinkies

Youtube chef Nicko gives you a step by step guide on how to make those delicious pillows of goodness known as Twinkies at home. You know, since Hostess refuses to do it for you now. The obvious next step that Nicko forge

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Android Contact Manager

Contacts on your Android phone start to swell and become messy, so you hope there’s a contact manager for Android to help you do the tedious work? Or you have a lengthy contact list and want to import them to your new A

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Have more than 5 devices to repair?

The more you bring in for us to repair, the more you save with our bulk bundles.