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Latte Art of a Nerd

Meet Kazuki Yamamoto. He’s a latte artist. You’ve probably seen the work of latte artists before and how they can draw things like hearts or leaves in steamed milk. But you’ve probably never seen anything li

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10 Bets you won’t lose

Ever had a friend or friends that like to challenge you and try to bit you money on, well you can now challenge them yourself with these “You will always win” tricks and techniques. Some do require you to pay clos

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Have a Good Weekend Everyone

  For those who need a guide

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Android JustBeamIt

On Oct,2011 We did an article on the famous JustBeamIt and good news to those who have an android phone. JustBeamIt is a free Peer-To-Peer (P2P) file sharing service that allows users to securely share data with others over t

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Microsoft Office App

Looks like Microsoft will be releasing there Office software on the Smart mobile world now (for real this time) and they concluded that IOS will be the first one to get it on Feb 2013, then later on Android users will join th

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Vote for Obama

Election Day IS HERE and anyone is excited to cast the votes to support the best candidate for Presidency, So I’m sure some of you guys are wondering who I voted for and why? Obama, why? Cause he is in support for Equal

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Pokki For Windows 8

November is here and that means the weather is going to start getting a bit colder, chillier, and those pumpkins you got on your porch or doorsteps need to be disposed of before they rot and start smelling like doodie.Talking

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Protected: New Photography Shots

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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