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Droid X360

Looks like a PS Vita, but its not…. this thing has a touch screen, nice looking layout and about 9 different emulators for Nintnendo 64, Playstation, Gamevoy Advance, GB color, NES, SNES, sega, ……phew and it

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Yahoo Accounts Hacked and Exploided

Almost half a million Yahoo user accounts were compromised in a recent exploit. If you’re a current Yahoo service user or have an old account with a shared password on it, now’s the time to change it. Ars Technica reports

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So True

Click to Enlarge

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The Malware That Shut Down The Internet

Tonight at 12:01 AM EDT Monday July 9th, the Internet is going to become inaccessible for nearly half a million people around the world because of malware called DNS Changer. If your computer is infected with DNS Changer, it

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Using your Xbox Controller on your PC

When I first got my Xbox and PlayStation counsels  I noticed that USB and got really excited to see what we could do with them and this is what I’ve found out. You can use your Xbox controller on your regular PC, H

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Stop Bullying and Lets Give Karen A Vacation

Consider the case of Karen Klein, the 68 year old bus monitor from Greece, New York. While at her job, Klein was subject to verbal abuse and threats made by four middle school boys, something that apparently happened all of t

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Event Manager Check List

If you are planning an event but don’t know were to start, here is a checklist that will help you get started. A few things may require a bit more effort and of course you can choose us to do your photography 🙂 Just

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Scam stinks more than Spam

If you are a regular Craigslist user, be aware that some spammed target your every move and will email you a bail letter saying they got a few task for you and once you reply back the trap is set. The scammer is pretty good a

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What I’ve learned from Nintendo

Click to enlarge Happy Friday. >__<

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New Business Card Coming Soon

This one is going to be 1 business card 2 sided showing the 2 best services we offer 🙂 Front Side Back Side Available soon……

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Have more than 5 devices to repair?

The more you bring in for us to repair, the more you save with our bulk bundles.