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Google Now Sending A Message

Google Now in a recent update has added the ability to send messages and by messages we don’t mean using Google hangouts. Google Now supports voice commands for composing and sending message. When invoked, an on-screen mess

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Windows in your Mac

When you shop for a computer, there are a few things you have to take into consideration, like the software you want to buy and what Operating system you want to use? Normally a PC would have “Windows” and a Mac would hav

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Anthem Insurance E-Mail Phishing Scams

The fallout from the massive data breach announced by insurer Anthem Inc. earlier this week just got larger. The company behind Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance informed customers Friday to be wary of an email scam that is ai

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Scientifically accurate ThunderCats

I love the ThunderCats but this is totally hilarious. Not for the kids at home.

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New Computer Setup Poster Design

I am proud of it, I’m remaking the sign-in sheets also making it simple and easy.

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X-Box Live 12 Month Deal [$36]

  The $36 Xbox Live deal on eBay keeps going in and out of stock, so grab it if you can. If it’s sold out, Amazon also has it for $40. [Microsoft Xbox LIVE 12 Month Gold Membership, $36] I could not put it better m

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Windows 10 Download from windows 7 or 8

Seems like Microsoft is listening to its users this time by making windows 10 free and easy to get. For the most part it’s still in the development process and making changes to its latest operating system, no doubt the

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Got those Taxes? Get that Upgrade

It’s tax season and you know what that means, it means you can finally get that computer you always wanted, let our experts choose the best laptop for you and set it up for you at no additional cost or bring your own an

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Fake IRS Calls Scam Alert 2015

Aggressive and threatening phone calls by individuals impersonating Internal Revenue Service agents top the IRS list of tax scams for the 2015 filing season. Don’t fall for it. Don’t give any information to them a

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Have more than 5 devices to repair?

The more you bring in for us to repair, the more you save with our bulk bundles.