Many computer people know what they doing and know how the system works and when a customer comes up to you with a problem you try to resolve it a try to explain to them what is going on inside the computer. Recently there ha
Life has been very crazy when started working for LKQ ,the environment is great but i feel like im clueless and useless when it comes to actual work but im there to give it my best and learn a lot. I had hooked up by my frien
Read moreFinding Your System Information
If you are ever corious about finding any general information about your pc and what it has inside you can find out in 2 simple ways. This is how many tech geeks search why your speed is slow and what type of processor your c
Read moreGoogle Calendar Sync
Today we are going to talk about a very useful program that is provided by Google and it’s made for Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook) along with some cool results and things that this tool can do to make your life easier
Read moreProgress is UP
click to enlarge ART What?Its amazing how boring Elkhart gets until open houses arrive to town to ext…. Read More… Google SyncDo you have a google Account? or a Microsoft Outlook Express program were you check you
Read moreNO changes Yet
First I will like to say that we been so busy with some activities that are going around our community and also we’ve been preparing ourselves to do the podcast for our guests and anybody who has subscribe.The majority
Read moreColors Brings Life
Took me a while but it turned out great, im proud of this one too since the shadowing in the ball turned out great.
Read moreOBAMAS New Road
CIVIL RIGHTS “The teenagers and college students who left their homes to march in the streets of Birmingham and Montgomery; the mothers who walked instead of taking the bus after a long day of doing somebody else’
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