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Windows 8.1 Smart Guide [Download PDF]

Each update to Windows 8 and 8.1 has brought new features and new ways to get your work done with Microsoft’s latest system. With that in mind, Microsoft has released a new quick reference ‘work smart’ guide to help you

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Its the little things

I had printed one of these and post it all over my work desk. This will reminds me that I just have to do my best and not worry about the little things. If all fails,  just eat Ice cream.     Pshhh I printed the la

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Xbox Controllers works on PC now

I’ve been dreaming of this for a very long time, Microsoft just released drivers so that you can use Xbox controllers on your computer and play games. Beginning today, new PC drivers for the Xbox One controller will be

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XBox One Update (June)

The Xbox One update is finally here and whether you don’t  like the update process this one is worth it and since X-box One has improved its update procedure to be a little bit more rapid, its at no surprise gamers are

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Lets Bring Back Reading Rainbow

Can you say “I’m backing this one up” for this bring back “Reading Rainbow campaign?” of course and I have already did my part on the contribution and you can also. Levar Burton has begun a Kick

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Any.Do Comes to the Browser

We have talked about for a while  and its our favorite app to use for organizing and keeping a “to-do list” and I have to be honest, I love it!! So today they have announced the web version which lets you

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Ebay Users change your Password (Cyber Attack)

eBay has just posted a strange message up on the community homepage and press page of its daughter company, PayPal. The headline is a bit worrying, implying that eBay has possibly had some kind of security or maintenance prob

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Microsoft Surface Pro 3

Microsoft Corp. introduced Surface Pro 3 — the lightweight tablet that packs the power and performance you expect from a laptop. Surface Pro 3 is a tablet and a laptop: multiple processor, RAM and storage options intersect

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Gmail App can save your attachments on Google drive

Finally a nice feature I’ve been waiting on, you can now save any attachment from your android device (Gmail) into your Google drive. This means I can save all of my spreadsheets and PDF invoices into my google drive fo

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Frozen as a horror movie

Now that’s a movie trailer

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