Sometimes i would like to just kill that stupid dog, i just got home from working and i found…what?
and MY WHOLE ROOM DESTROYED, i swear sometimes sparks can be so cute and a good boy but when i leave him alone, its like Katrina hit right in my living room.
I just got back from the work out and a good run with my dog and now i have to take a break and cook something because i need to learn how to cook.
The cooking will be a good learning experience because Jamie gave me some good files of 5 star meals to cook and I’m going to put good use to it. Miguel did get excited about it and i told him to thank Jamie NOT ME . lol
life is going to be a blast when i learn all these things. I got to learn how and keep on pushing myself “like a bitch” lol

anyways i kind of cheated because i had a double cheese burger and a MC.chicken, YOU CAN’T BLAME ME OK cause that shit is good. I also am planning to finish my clay pot tomorrow and take a pic after i cook it.