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I want to make sure that im working on a new layout and a new code for these blogs and for our information.

This way you dont have to scroll down to see the next topic. lol


im also adding new art stuff. 😀

THIS ONE WAS A QUICK SKETCH I DID FOR JEROS new tattoo and he got it but has to finish it before i can take a picture and show you guys. 😀

TEASE TEASE i know. lol im just filling out my voting form and i just got down setting up a network for a co-worker, they feed me and gave me lots of junk food to keep me happy. 😀 and i played with the dog which i love so much, her name is BROWNY and she is a foxterrier.

those rock, just cant wait till my best friends fox terrier gets a piece of browny so they can make puppies and i keep one. 😀

HEHEH im evil.

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