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Compliance with the FTC Safeguards Rule & IRS Guidelines

Protect Your Business with Secure IT Solutions If your business handles sensitive client financial information, you are required by law to have a Written Information Security Plan (WISP). The IRS and FTC have strict guideline

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It pays to save energy. You can get a number of rebates, credits and other incentives by making energy-efficient upgrades to your home. This huge, interactive database lists all of them by state. The government, and some util

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Open For Service

If you have not seen the “We serve Everyone” stickers around the web, then you’re missing out, The stickers opposing the bill that was passes yesterday called  the “Religious Freedom Bill” will

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Fake IRS Calls Scam Alert 2015

Aggressive and threatening phone calls by individuals impersonating Internal Revenue Service agents top the IRS list of tax scams for the 2015 filing season. Don’t fall for it. Don’t give any information to them a

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Homeland Security says “Don’t Use Internet Explorer” due to bug flaw

The U.S. Department of Homeland security is advising Americans not to use the Internet Explorer web browser until a fix is found for a serious security flaw that came to light over the weekend. The bug was announced on Saturd

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The NSA Is Spying On Us

The internet is aflame with the news that the National Security Agency may be spying on phone calls and internet access of American citizens, and the possibility that they’ve partnered with some of the biggest tech comp

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The SOPA Bill (Video)

PROTECT IP Act Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo. Everyday the Entertainment Industry fights ways to protect their copyrighted materials and this means protecting, fighting and shutting down the bad guys

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Were your taxes are going

Perhaps you’ve noticed that today is tax day in the US, and perhaps you’ve wondered where your taxes are going. As a breath of fresh air, the U.S. Government has posted a web site to calculate your payments and le

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The more you bring in for us to repair, the more you save with our bulk bundles.