Its been a while since I bought myself some air freshers for my room because they are so darn expensive. I count believed a cheeseburger was a MUCH better deal “who wants to pay 5 bucks for one little air freshener when I can buy myself 5 Mc chickens”.
It turns out that making gel-based air fresheners are pretty much the same as making a gelatin dessert: all you need are some small jars Some water, essential oils, gelatin, and food coloring (optional) and you can make your own that smell however you choose and save a those few bucks to buy yourself Mc chickens. The recipe can be viewed after the break line and have fun making them……
Homemade Gel Air Freshener
2 cups water
4 packages Gelatin (plain)
15 to 20 drops Essential Oil (adjust to personal preference)
1 to 2 TBS salt
Food Coloring
- In a small pot, mix 1 cup water, essential oil and food coloring. As soon as it starts to boil, remove from heat.
- Completely dissolve gelatin and salt in the hot water then add the other cup of water (cold)–stir well (gently so it doesn’t foam).
- Pour into jars and set aside for a couple days before using so the gelatin has a chance to completely set (you can refrigerate to speed up the process). Once cooled, cover with lids that have a few holes punched in them to allow fragrance to escape.

The salt in this recipe is used to help combat mold, please make sure to add it.
Alternate Recipe:
- Follow the recipe above but substitute the 2 cups of water and the essential oil with 2 cups of concentrated liquid potpourri. As above, heat 1 cup first with the food coloring, remove from heat, dissolve the gelatin and salt then add the other cup.
Super Smelly Jelly Recipe
- 3/4 cup boiling water
- 1 pkg of 4-serving jelly powder (ie. box of instant Jello)
- 1 Tbsp. vodka
- 1/4 tsp dish soap
- Essential Oil or Fragrance
Combine & set in a jar with holes poked in the top. The vodka is to help prevent the jelly become moldy.
- Add embellishments (embedded items) similar to the gel candles embedded items ideas
- You can layer the colors, simply allow one color to set completely for a few days before pouring the next layer of color.
- Make sure the jars are completely clean before pouring in the hot liquid.
- You could cover the top with lace or netting instead of jar lids. Tie decoratively with ribbons, raffia, whatever you fancy.
- Any heat proof glass jar will do. Collect jam & jelly jars, mason jars or even baby food jars can be used for the Smelly Jellies.