II’ve been lacking a bit in my studies and went straight to the game cube, its not that I’m lazy…lol well maybe a little but that’s not the point. You try playing mega man and beating all 9 master bosses and see how addicting it can get you, its not something to consider and waist time on, buy am a big fan of mega man ever since i started playing it on the original Nintendo.
I am taking a 5 hour break on it and working on my selling products, this way you would see that i am actually following my schedule.
Now when i say that i want to pass ALL of the mega man games that also means getting each and every secret that they add. I know that after MM7 i have to use the internet and walkthrough to find the secrets, i don’t have time to search every corner of each stage.
I would be glad to see a movie about each game,that would so make my day, even if its like “NOT ANOTHER TEEN MOVIE”
