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Simple and easy to understand
1. If you don’t like something about yourself? do something about it and make yourself be happy
2. Dont give yourself to others too much? sometimes they abuse your kindness and drain you out.
3.Respect people the way you want to be treated. Thats why i dont bother talking to those who think they are better than everyone else and they treat them like shit. Im not going to feed off them.

I have been really happy with my jobs and how im doing, i may have less time for party but nothing really has changed since the new year began.I have found myself pondering what im going to do for this whole summer or when im going to sign up for classes …even FINDING A BOYFRIEND.
All these things are just goals i should set up and try to acomplish them,but this means preparation,disipline and lots of help from my friends and family.

A wise Queen told me many times “you are destinies child” and you know what…….I know i can do better than what im doing right now.This is why i will continue with my work and bring joy to everyone and still party off my days. Yes i may have to exprience some things and grow up a little more but i cant wait till i reach that age and say “wow i was so young and stupid” lol for now all i got is myself and my attitude that will evolve into something much bigger and something much better for my future.

I am never going to change the way i treat people and the way i think but i will change my opinion on how i deal with things and go from that.They say people wount remember your name when you die but they will remember how you treated them. I want everyone to have a scar of myself in their memories….ones that will last forever.

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