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Well its the weekend and carlos wants to get his groove on and it doesn’t matter if i am working tomorrow morning too because i will always work during weekends and will probrally never have a day like this.
The snow is giving drivers HELL and i know the club isnt going to be very packed but i need a few beers to take out a few things out of my mind and it doent really hurt to see a few friends that i “MISS”.

I did a few sketches for my hair dresser and i hope to put them on the illustrator on monday along with a few sketches from a client. The work and drive really take most of my time and only have about 4 hours to myself and ….well i spend most of that time doing little things that add up in the end of the night. I am really lucky i dont cook or do laundry or my house would be so messy lol I do make the best of my days off with cleaning and reading or doing something productive which im never disapointed about.

One of the videos im really attracted to right now is a song from paul van dyk who is on my top 10 DJ list, hope you guys like him too.


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