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I know right? Im actually giving out information about the dam program, which half of you people already know…and i think its good to talk about and remind you what powerful tools Photoshop has.

Lets start off with our main Layer Blending Modes which comes really in handy to form some unique and amazing effects.

  • Normal– Simply fades the intensity of the overlaying pixels by averaging the color pixels of blend layer with the value of the composite pixel below (%80) ….confused? YA me too. lol
  • Dissolve– Puts the blending layers with random pixels and no changes Accor only gives it a pixel dissolving affect.
  • Darken-Just darkens the colors from the previews layer and combines it.
  • Multiply– Well hamsters love to do this one, but this baby likes to multiply the later and the base using/producing a dark color. Except where the blend color is white.
  • Color Burn– Darken the image using the blend color, The darker color, the more pronounced the effect. Blending with white has no effect. WHITE POWER! 😀 just kidding, im black.
  • Linear Burn- Looks and produces a dark effect.
  • Lighten-Just applies the effect to the main color or white color, its nothing really impressing in my book, just a waist of time if you cant use it.
  • Screen-I LOVE THIS ONE, it takes out the black or dark colors completely, great for an easy way to get rid of that area without using the eraser or wand.
  • Color Dodge-Bright up the image using the blend color, brighter color, the more pronounced the effect. Blending with black has no effect.

  • Linear Dodge-produces lighter than color dodge.
  • Overlay– I use this all the time and its great. Super poses within the image on the base (50% gray has no effect)

Ok so that’s just half of the blending modes, I wish i could type every single one but i think you got the idea….plus im lazy.

What is good for Photos

The biggest thing that i wonder was how to take a shitty photo and Photoshop it to make it look SO GOOD! i mean, it know that they use Photoshop or something like that but i want to know what tools they use.

Well im glad to answer it today, I know that alot of the Photographers love to use only Several tools for their pictures and one of them is the BURN TOOL which is located right next to the eraser tool. This baby makes the skin appear darker and shinier, it also gives the hair a darker touch “if that’s what your aiming for”

This is a great too to use along with the blur or smug tool to blend and spread the burn affect creating a smooth yet dark surface in the skin “like of like putting Greece on a girls body and making it look sexy” You did know that’s were that shine comes from, right?

Another great tool that photographers use is the Dodge Tool which is the opposite of the Burn tool because it just makes the skin lighter. I know you mite want to just grab the brush and pick the color white….BUT NO!! this dodge tool does an amazing job making hair shinny, certain skins look shiner and if you use it in the eyes, it makes it look like its glowing.

So i basically told you the 2 most important tools “BURN TOOL AND THE DODGE TOOL” If you use these 2 together in the same project , you will find yourself looking at an amazing picture. If you dont like the effects try another method. If you need to see how to use these tools together, i recommend going to YOUTUBE and searching for some tutorials. They show you almost anything and EVERYTHING you can think of.

…….im hungry for some reason….. HA IM ALWAYS HUNGRY. I don’t get why i eat and eat yet not gain some single pound. Im so lazy and i never work out. im like that fat chick who drinks her 7UP and sits online all day….BUT GOD LIKES PISSING ME OFF and making me look like a skinny bitch. I think im going to Photoshop myself and see how pretty fat I can get, hopefully i look like an elephant, that way i can post it on my account and scare them 50 yrl guys who love hitting on me.

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