store time
Appointment Only
Need help?

Classes are going to start September 2012 any students wanting to register, please fill out the form below.
The courses will feature level courses and a flexible time for you to sign up. We will be using a Student log in and book grade manager to keep you and the tutor organized.
You can sign up once the courses open up and soon you will be taking classes with us and manage homework,projects and your grades online with a few simple clicks, If you don’t got an E-mail we will teach you how to use one and manage one.

All Courses will Include:

  • A online School calendar for you to to see if we have snow days or special events.
  • Podcast to keep you informed of the latest and greatest of courses and promotions.
  • Flexible schedule
  • Pay per class set up is available as well, So if you miss class you don’t pay for that day.
  •  A chance to turn your hobbies into a career
  • Certificates fully available after the course is completed and you have passed the Final Exam.
  • Online payments, Cash or Money order.
Class Information Forms

Class list you can take
Registration form

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