Today i decided to pay most of my bills that are due for next month…so that means “I’m broke”, all I’m left with is 50 bucks for the whole freaking week and i know 7 dollars of those are going to be waisted in the movie theatres for SAW 4 WHICH WILL BE BAD ASS.
The guys and i left to Nappenie to see the results of last weekends tornado hit,it was not as bad as frank said because he was in California in a sand storm which is 120% worse than a tornado.The drive there was a pain because i had to drive but once we got there we saw and took shots of the houses and the scraps laying in the roads,cars,other houses, and
EVERYWHERE ELSE. Some factories were destroyed completely and a lot of the people were just outside working and rebuilding their homes “which sucks balls”.

I kind of felt pity for them because it was cold outside and its not the greatest time for people to rebuild there homes, churches and other places like the salvation army are taking care of those who need help and others are just volunteering to show love and care,I’m none.
ABOVE it all, I’m excited about the new snow skiing i got from my work,there nice big and shinny and i cant wait till i try them out in Michigan this winter when i head out for some real fucking snow skiing fun. PLANNING IS NOT THE PROBLEM….MONEY AND WORK IS. 😀