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Even though I don’t like Internet Explorer 8 I have to admit they sure have a few little tricks and tweaks that surely come in handy that firefox won’t let me do and now thanks to fly_world,merci_chao they have developed a add-on for firefox to manipulate those missing functions that EI8 has.

The Add-on Include
  •  multi fast view of all tabs when you want to take a peek of what tabs are what.
  • A right Click panel with settings and guides that can make it easy to learn and even find more searches.
  • The easy bookmark star that displays over
  • The print icon and the other useful settings
  • Easy Control panels
and of course the blue layout theme makes it look more

like a windows 7. All of these small things can be added to your firefox with this simple add-on that you can Download HERE.

UPDATE!!!:If you are running a new version of Firefox and you can’t get the add-on to work, try downloading an older (not too old) version of the theme HERE.
With all of these great features you can now fast search,learn, and even bookmark your favorite websites all in one full feature within firefox and you don’t even have to use EI8. If you just don’t like it and want to stick with the default theme (add-on) just go to Tools,add-ons, Themes and from there you can surely just change back to your old school theme.

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